Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Oil: The Other Gold

Gold and the companies that mine it have been getting a lot of attention lately. Some has come from Chicken Little investors in search of a hedge against the risk of inflation or the dollar's drubbing. Speculators have piled in, too, as gold prices have shot up 25% in the past year to a recent $1,370 an ounce. But if an anti-inflation, antidollar bet is what you're after, oil, up 15% in a year to $88 a barrel, is more alluring than gold, argues longtime value investor James Barrow.

"Every year there's more gold available, but oil is a diminishing resource," says Barrow.

While much of the 2,900 tons of gold produced annually is merely added to the stacks in London and Zurich vaults, the world is burning through, and sometimes spilling, a record 88 million barrels of oil a day. To Barrow that makes the companies churning out the oil both alluring commodity plays and solid income-earners.

Barrow, 70, is the last remaining founding partner of Barrow, Hanley, Mewhinney & Strauss, a value-oriented money management firm that handles $60 billion for Vanguard's Windsor II and 20 other mutual funds. Five years ago Barrow announced plans to retire by now.

"I lied," he laughs, explaining his desire to keep his hand on the tiller at least until the markets return to something resembling normalcy. Although his shop operates out of Dallas, Barrow says he's fond of the oil business purely because it offers blue-chip stocks at attractive valuations, plus yields high enough to make many a bond investor jealous.

He's especially partial to domestic producers, which pay set royalties per barrel of oil, regardless of spot prices. In most other resource-rich countries, as prices rise governments take increasing cuts of the upside.

In Barrow's view even BP's Gulf oil spill could prove a plus for the strongest U.S. majors, since they'll have the easiest time acquiring the leases and insurance needed to drill far offshore. In contrast, small operators are betting the entire company on every well.

"Big guys will dominate the deepwater," says Barrow. "If there's an accident, someone's got to be able to pay for it."

This creates opportunities for the likes of Chevron to buy promising offshore prospects from smaller rivals (or even from BP) and to extend its deepwater success. In the Gulf the company plans to invest $7.5 billion to develop its deepwater Jack discovery and another $4 billion on Big Foot. With more bright growth prospects for Chevron in western Africa and Australia, Barrow sees it as undervalued at 11 times trailing earnings, compared with ExxonMobil at 13. It doesn't hurt that Chevron has more cash than debt and offers a dividend yield of 3.3% to Exxon's 2.4%.

ConocoPhillips trades at nine times earnings and is yielding 3.4%. An aggressive restructuring has it selling more than $10 billion in assets, including refineries and stakes in Russia's Lukoil and oil sands processor Syncrude. It plans to retire debt, repurchase shares and explore for oil and gas, especially in the U.S. ConocoPhillips brought in new execs in October to bolster plans for a successor to Chief Executive James Mulva, 64.

Murphy Oil is a midsize company with a bold drilling campaign in Malaysia, Suriname and Congo. Its core remains in the U.S., where it operates 1,000 filling stations in Wal-Mart parking lots. Murphy also recently established a big position in the Eagle Ford shale region of Texas. It intends to raise around $1 billion by selling refineries.

Murphy trades at a steep 25% discount to its net asset value, figures Barrow, Hanley's energy analyst Lewis Ropp. That's without even factoring in its expected 60% rise in oil and gas production to the equivalent of 300,000 barrels per day within five years.

Among smaller companies, Barrow likes MDU Resources Group. It owns 5,500 miles of gas pipelines and electric utilities in the Midwest. It is also drilling on 100,000 acres in the Bakken shale and Niobrara shale oil and gas regions, where production has risen more than 40% in a year. MDU generates one-third of its roughly $200 million in annual earnings producing concrete, asphalt and construction rock. At 17 times earnings it is valued like other utilities, despite its big oily upside.

With natural gas in abundance in the U.S., Barrow isn't too bullish on drillers. But he is the biggest shareholder in pipeline operator Spectra Energy. It's partly a play on the shale gas boom, especially the Marcellus Shale of Pennsylvania and West Virginia, where the company is building a network to transport gas from hundreds of well sites. Spectra yields 4%.

What of big oil service firms, like Halliburton and Schlumberger? Too expensive at 25 times earnings each, says Barrow.

Even if the U.S. economy continues to struggle, oil prices seem destined to rise significantly at some point. Chinese crude oil demand is up 12% in the past year alone to 8.9 million barrels per day. Meanwhile, the yields on Barrow's oil and gas stocks are beating the tar out of Treasurys--to say nothing of the 0% yields investors are earning on gold.

Link: http://www.forbes.com/forbes/2011/0117/investing-jim-barrow-big-oil-longtime-value-other-gold_2.html

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